Monday, August 16, 2010


All of a sudden mankind has realized that the year 2012 is going to be the end of this planet. Why? Because of a Mayan "Long count" Calendar that supposedly ends in the year 2012 and is misrepresented now as being the end of the cycle of birth and end of the World. The poor Mayans could not predict that a white European race, with their lust for Gold would come and pounce on them one day, literally exterminating their civilization. The Mayans don't seem to have attached any importance to this, though!

And then we have this bunch of people believing religious orders, who wants everyone to think that Armageddon is just around the corner and we should all flock to their houses of worship (with lots of money to give away) in order to save themselves from this planet wide disaster. These guys suddenly put the Mayans on the map, a people whom they had discredited when decimating them in order to uphold their own “superior” religion and free the Mayans from their “primitive barbaric anti-god” rituals. So, these "barbarians" had an accurate calendar which is now the focus of attention.

Add another element of these Internet doomsday prophets that make claims about a planet called Nibiru, that unbeknownst to us, will sneak by our planet, jump across and enslave us and use us to mine our planet dry before exterminating us. We have done that already I think, the Nibirans will find an already over mined polluted planet and fly away in disgust. Another claim is that the apocalypse will be due to geomagnetic reversal caused by a massive solar flare. That's a sure fire way of closing up business on this planet, right?

Now, enter Hollywood, with their marketing skills and special effects. Their latest offering is called 2012 from Sony Pictures. Their marketing effort for this film has been so effective that many people have feared for their lives literally. They have used all sources of pseudo-science and plain fiction, to reinforce the thought of the World coming to an end. They want all of us to go and watch this movie. I watched it, it's got some great special effects and some fine acting of people generally screaming and running around. All you have to do is tell the Americans that their gallon of gas is going to be $10 bucks and they'll be screaming louder than they would if it was about the end of the World. They'd scream from now till 2012!

The Internet is often an idiotic source of absurd news, bogus claims of scientific advancements and full of predatory doomsday prophets waiting to take advantage of the millions of gullible browsers. That explains the success of these Nigerian and other Afrikans e-mail scams, promise of miraculous cures for diseases and of course the existence of our unfriendly aliens called Nibirans from planet Nibiru. Youtube is filled with Videos on this topic with a very “professorial” looking presenters who, so seriously and with a straight face, talk about this mysterious planet that NASA is hiding from all of us (Area 51,what we know until now). All of a sudden we have people getting depressed and generally apprehensive of what’s going to happen to us in December 2012 when the Mayan long count calendar runs out. I can't believe that NASA is being inundated with people inquiring about this doomsday planet with this doomsday race on it.

So, NASA and Discovery Channel had to come out with statements to make people believe that this movie and the millions of website proclaiming this so-called end of the World in 2012 is just complete rot.

As for me, I will have a garam-garam kebabs on chilly December 21st, 2012, so that when the Nibirans come, we can invite them to the party! Hope they bring the entertainment or they will have to listen to my stale jokes. Let’s be happy before we are put to work in the mines for them!

ADIOS!!!!! J

P.S: Plz suggest some other ways to welcome the Nibrians. They shouldn’t get cold shouldered…..

Monday, August 9, 2010

Your Brain Hates You! hate pain. All pain. Pain hurts. Pain is suppose to be the body's warning signal that something really bad is going on, which is fine. But why can't the body tone it down a bit, instead of us going through the agony of extreme pain? Especially over& over again over the same thing.

Pain is felt by nerves, which has to answer to the brain. They are connected to the brain through our nervous system... My problem with this is I guess our brains. Do our brains think that we're so stupid, that it's necessary to feel pain constantly when we hurt something? Think about a burn. In my opinion,there's nothing much worse than a burn. Pain can go on & on for quite some time, depending on the burns severity. Why the hell is it necessary to feel the pain of the burn consistently? Does our brain think that we'll forget about that fleshy, blistering smear stretched up the arm due to a violent accident with a toaster? Why would our brain think we'd forget? There's a conundrum for you. about a tooth ache? Ever have one of those